fflow ffeatures

Roles and permissions

Manage the permissions for users by choosing their role. Assign them to squads (Scale and Enterprise accounts only)

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.dashboard.features.roles.employees">Employees</span>

The first user in your fflow account is automatically assigned to the 'admin' role.

Admins can create and manage all fflow content, including fflow users and global settings. They can manage all booking types for all users.

New users

When new users sign up (after the first admin), they are automatically assigned to the 'pending' role. Pending users can sign in to fflow, but they will not see any content, only a message that they need to be approved.

To approve a new user, go to the teams page where you can assign the user to a role. To visit the teams page, you must be signed in, and have a role of admin or manager.


Managers can create and manage projects and contacts. They can manage other managers and team member users. Managers can make project resource bookings for other users.

Managers can not manage admins in the teams page. They can not see or manage global settings.

Team member

Team members can create and manage projects and contacts. They can manage bookings for themselves.

Team members can not see or manage team members or global settings.

Find out more

There are more details about the permissions for each user in the FAQ.