Frequently asked questions about fflow

How do I contact fflow?

Send an email

Why can I not edit a booking?

You may not have permissions to edit a booking, for example it may be for another user, or in the past. See the table below for a list of your permissions

How can I create multiple bookings in the same day?

It's not possible to make multiple bookings in the same day currently, you can make bookings for public holidays and for days with no working hours

How do I request a new feature in fflow?

Send an email

How do I pronounce fflow?

The same as flow. We added an f to make trademarking and URLs easier

What permissions do I have?

Permission Admin Manager Team member Mobile devices
Update my account details
Update my working hours
Manage team members and other managers, and their vacation allowance Not all fields shown in absence summary
Manage other admins, and their vacation allowance
Create and edit contacts
Create and edit projects Not all fields shown in time summary
Create and edit calendar bookings for myself
Delete bookings for myself (except billable time)
Create and edit billable time bookings for myself in the past
Delete billable time bookings
Create and edit project bookings for all users Only for myself
Create and edit all bookings for all users Only for myself
Create and edit all bookings in the past Only for myself
Delete bookings for other users
Create and manage teams
Assign users to teams
Assign contacts and projects to teams
Set the vacation year start date and default vacation allowance
Create and edit public holidays