Trello and fflow Terms and Conditions of Use

Terms and conditions for Trello integration, mostly from Atlassian

If you have a Trello account, we offer integration that allows fflow to connect with the Trello API, subject to Atlassian and Trello terms and conditions.

We rely on the Trello API

We and our users are bound by Atlassian Developer terms and Trello specific terms

Runtime performance is constrained by Trello Rate Limits

Trello integrations are supported by the REST API Policy

Find more details of How the Trello Integration works

Before you use the Trello integration, you must agree to both Atlassian and Trello terms, as well as fflow terms. We will ask you to confirm this when you configure the Trello API Key and Token.

Summary of fflow terms

Be nice. Only configure integration for things you really need. Leave time for a response before you press any buttons again.

Be secure. Only configure integration for things you really need. Delete or un-configure anything you no longer use. Limit the scope of your Trello developer token to exclude write permissions.

We provide instructions for how to configure this in the helper notes when you set up the Trello API Key and Token.

How to remove Trello Integration

You can stop the Trello integration at any time, by removing the configuration in fflow.


When you remove a listener, we un-register the webhook in Trello. We keep any imported content in fflow, but it will not be automatically updated again.

Imported content

You can un-configure by clicking Remove connection and all imported content, this is the effect

  • Delete all imported Tasks
  • Delete all Listeners, and un-register the matching webhooks in Trello
  • Archive all imported Projects
  • Archive imported Bookings, this hides them in the Calendar. Bookings with Time booked are kept active.
  • Anything that was created by fflow users is kept


We welcome questions and comments, please send any feedback to

Terms last updated: 17 June, 2024.